Ready Western Mobile App Keeps Residents Safe


Your community is where you feel most at home. It contains the people, places, and objects you hold most dear – which is why protecting it from danger, such as natural disasters, illnesses, and injuries, is of the utmost importance. But how can you ensure residents are informed about health issues and prepared to manage stressful or hazardous incidents? Do your outreach efforts work? A mobile app can help!

The Muhlenberg County Health Department in Kentucky understood the assignment. Their app, Ready Western KY, is a hub of support resources dedicated to informing residents on crucial topics that will help keep them safe and healthy in a variety of situations. 

Their app’s content isn’t just a bland list of contacts or feedback forms; it includes relevant checklists, self-assessments, infographics, and engaging planning tools built from scratch that will help families prepare for emergencies, improve their overall health, and connect with their community. 

When it comes to apps, content is king. Upon launch, Ready Western KY had several packages that covered topics specific to their community’s needs: mental health and healthy living, family preparedness, natural disasters, active shooter events, substance abuse, infectious diseases, harm reduction, and more. Their app also delivers information about their Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), as well as other outreach programs designated for women and expecting parents. 

Launching an app may seem like a big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. At QuickSeries, we possess the content expertise and developer know-how to help you launch a custom app that can transform how you connect with your people and be launch-ready in a matter of weeks. Our knowledgeable team can also help with content post-launch to increase app stickiness and user retention. Whether your goal is to inform, support, or prepare your public, QuickSeries has your app needs covered. 

Interested in learning more about our app platform or print formats? Reach out to an Account Manager today to discuss your needs!