For over 30 years, QuickSeries has helped countless organizations nationwide bring their outreach programs to the next level.
Reliable content. Innovative delivery.
For more than 30 years, we have had a mission to support organizations with dependable, tailored content. We began in the sports world, but soon expanded by providing training materials to Americans across the nation via government agencies at Federal, state, and local levels. QuickSeries is now a top supplier of quick-reference books to the Department of Defense as well as to disaster preparedness and emergency management programs nationwide.
No matter how sprawling our subject areas are, it remains paramount that each message we craft is impactful. Our print products are our bestsellers, but we also focus on software innovation with our custom-built App Platform that was designed with content consumption and retention in mind. Together, we can create an even greater legacy!
We Meet You Where You Are
Who are we?
With decades of content creation experience, we have assembled an unrivaled team of dedicated experts in their fields. We are devoted to delivering trustworthy information in the most user-friendly formats.
QuickSeries is made up of the following:
What do we do?
We listen to the needs of various communities, Program Managers, and Government and Enterprise Professionals and develop advanced content solutions to support their causes.
We skillfully:
Who do we do it for?
We proudly work with numerous client segments - from government and military to public agencies, education systems, and commercial enterprises - within the following fields:
Time flies when creating
After all these years, we are still pushing the boundaries with accomplishments that will only continue to grow. Join us on this remarkable journey as we look at some noteworthy stats!
Print products sold
Avg. mobile app rating
Legit content
We partner with trusted industry experts to ensure our content is accurate and reliable. Visit the Our Partners page to learn more about the respected associations that stand behind our work.