Mental Health and Overall Wellness


Mental health includes emotional and psychological well-being. It affects how people think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how people handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.

Why Is Mental Health Important to Overall Wellness?

Some people rely on uplifting quotes by influential people to inspire personal wellness, but there are many things to consider when thinking about mental health.

Wellness includes making the right choices to live a healthier, happier life. For example, a person can lead a healthy life by eating a balanced diet and exercising often, but what is the status of their mental health and wellness – their overall well-being? How do people cope with the factors that impact their day-to-day life with today’s huge demands and pressures at work and in school? It seems we are all programmed to get the job done with little emphasis on mental health.

Mental Health Conditions

Stress: How the brain and body respond to a challenge or demand. It becomes a problem when stress is extreme and ongoing, destructive and dangerous. 

Anxiety: A mix of thoughts, emotions, and physical reactions that happen in response to a challenge or to an unexpected situation. Anxiety becomes a problem when it goes on for more than a few weeks and affects sleeping, eating, decision-making, relationships, work, or academic performance. Extreme, ongoing high anxiety may lead to panic disorder where the person has recurrent panic attacks. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Recurrent unwanted and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that cause distress and get in the way of daily life. 

Extreme Anger: Verbal abuse, physical confrontation, or violent behavior (e.g., road rage, domestic violence).

Depression: A serious mood disorder with severe symptoms that affect how the person feels, thinks, and handles everyday life. Feeling down from time to time is normal,

but depression is more than just feeling “blue” or “down in the dumps.” Feelings of intense sadness, hopelessness, and despair don’t go away, and simply getting through the day becomes overwhelming. 

All of these mental health conditions are treatable with psychological therapy/counselling (talk therapy) or psychiatric intervention, and/or medications. But maintaining overall wellness requires performing reality checks on the various aspects of one’s life. People should ask themselves: “Is my life in balance or is it off-kilter?” and “What can I do to find balance?”  We all need to take a few moments each day to think about what gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. We should all think about what brings us happiness, joy, and overall satisfaction in our lives.

A Holistic Approach 

A holistic approach to mental health involves integrative wellness. Integrative wellness considers all components of a person’s life including physical, mental, financial, emotional, and social health. Because it involves caring for the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – different types of therapies are used, such as acupuncture, mediation or prayer, yoga, nutrition counseling, classes and retreats at a mental health wellness center, massage therapy, and more. 

Where People Can Find Help Near By

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