Keep staff, students, and facilities safe during an emergency.

Ensuring the safety of the people in your organization is your most important responsibility. With OccupantGUARD, you can provide vital information and efficient communication before, during, and after an emergency.

Keep Everyone Safe

Communication and quick action are key when safety is threatened.

Alert users to weather-related events and active threats, prompts occupants to check in during or following an emergency, and push news about changes to workplace policies and security measures in real time.

OccupantGUARD can also provide important workplace contacts and increase preparedness among staff and their families in nonemergency times. The eGuide, PDF, and video libraries inform and hone knowledge, and the Authoring Tool CMS allows you to create your own vibrant content. Give your people the tools and resources they need to plan for safety at work, while traveling, and at home.

Trusted by government agencies, military organizations, and top enterprises across all industries

Prepare, Respond, Recover

Take charge of your people's safety.

A building or campus safety plan provided via app will provide clear instructions on what to do, who to contact, and where to go in an emergency.

Keep People Up to Date

Broadcast changes to workplace policies and security measures.

Multiple Roles in One App

Deliver location-specific information with Workspaces.

Personal Safety Features

Prompt occupants to check in during or after an emergency and see who is safe and who needs help right away.

Planning Made Simple

Help users prepare their homes with customized household emergency plans.

Real-Time Alerts

Inform occupants of imminent/ongoing emergency details with alerts and geo-targeted push notification.

Everywhere All at Once

Reach every location with one download.

Users can access regional, departmental, or team-focused content in personalized Workspaces in the OccupantGUARD app.

  • Address users by publishing content globally to all Workspaces.
  • Grant access to administrators to publish content to individual Workspaces.
  • Users subscribe to relevant content based on their current locations.
  • Users can toggle between their subscribed Workspaces, quickly changing the app experience.
A screenshot of the browser-based administrative portal that comes with the UNITE smartphone app. It shows the Florida Emergency Preparedness app options available to the user with multiple workspaces.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Keep preparedness plans in your pocket.

Users can prepare their loved ones for any emergency with a customized household plan with expert-approved prepare-respond-recover guidance and checklists.
The multiple simple steps of the Make Your Plan module that comes with the UNITE smartphone app. The screenshots show  the Profile, Prepare, During a disaster and General tips steps, each area has multiple options and features to fill in

Sometimes, a little push is needed

Push notifications - a powerful tool that can be used to engage with users and drive conversions

Help keep users engaged with the app, reduce churn, and drive conversions through targeted and time-sensitive messages. Push notifications can be used as a way of increasing brand visibility as they allow businesses and programs to effectively communicate important messages directly to their users in real-time.

Alerts & Safety Check

Keep your users informed and your staff ready with real-time alerts and practice drills, all delivered through targeted, geo-fenced push notifications

Geo-based Notifications

Our push notifications are all about reaching the right people at the right place. With our geo-based capabilities, you can ensure your message is delivered to the users that matter most, wherever they may be.
An apple smartphone with multiple push notifications standing out. They are alerting the owner to various emergencies from San Bernadino county, Ready Frankfort and Ready Maricopa

Safety Check

Get actionable information in real time.

By using helpful feedback from our Alerts & Safety Checks and Forms & Reporting modules, you can gain valuable insight during an emergency so that appropriate action may be taken. Stay informed in real time to ensure swift (but well-informed) decisions can be made.

A screenshot of the browser based administrative portal that comes with the UNITE smartphone app. It shows the Florida Emergency Preparedness app options available to the user with multiple workspaces

Zero-Trust Authentication

Manage access with QuickConnect, SAML, OpenID, and Google Workspace.

QuickConnect offers a built-in user management feature with multi-factor authentication using an SMS verification code or a one-time password (OTP) from a configured authenticator app.

And for clients with high security standards, QuickConnect also supports out-of-the-box, zero-trust authentication through SAML, OpenID, and Google Workspace.

The SAML, OpenID and Google Workspace logos with screenshots of the authentication page on mobile and desktop.

Unleash your creativity

Turn dull documents into exciting and interactive eGuides using the built-in Authoring Tool CMS

With our Authoring Tool CMS, we empower our clients to unleash their creativity and craft compelling mobile content that captivates their users. Whether you want to create new eGuides from scratch or revamp existing documents, our intuitive tool makes it easy to design visually stunning and interactive content that engages your audience.

A generic word document with no visual or interactive elements about what to do after a disaster and a screenshot in a smartphone of the QuickSeries eGuide titled resilience after disaster. It shows in-depth knowledge with a visually interesting layout and interactive menus.

Integrate with your current tools

Connect other systems to your app using our public Rest API

Our API connection allows for greater integration and automation between all your systems creating a bridge for your data management, Saving time and resources when publishing content.

Let's Talk

Book a 30-minute personalized demo of the QuickConnect app.

Discover how it can seamlessly fit into your budget and strategy. Let us show you the full range of QuickConnect's benefits and how it can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us and an Account Manager will get back to you within 48 hours.


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